Monkey Quest Commands


Fallout 4 – the game that has many systems. You are able to use them all easily but only if you play on PC. For this you need to type some things into the developer console of this game. If you want to get some necessary items or make tweaks in the game playing by cheating, use the console commands.

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Monkey Quest Commands Free

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Monkey quest commands free
MonkeyQuest Slash commands:
/mquest help [<command>]
Shows help. Optional parameter of any other command.
e.g. /mquest help reset
/mquest reset
Resets all settings to the default
/mquest open
Opens the main frame
/mquest close
Closes the main frame
/mquest showhidden
Displays the collapsed quest headers and hidden quests
/mquest hidehidden
Hides the collapsed quest headers and hidden quests
/mquest useoverviews
Use quest overviews for quests without objectives
/mquest nooverviews
Don't use quest overviews for quests without objectives
/mquest tipanchor=<anchor position>
Set the anchor point of the tooltip to any of the following:
DEFAULT (for the default gametooltip position)
/mquest alpha=<0 - 255>
Sets the backdrop alpha to the specified value
/mquest width=<200-600>
Sets the width to the specified value, the default is 255.
/mquest hideheaders
Hides the displaying of ANY quest area headers in the MonkeyQuest frame.
/mquest showheaders
Allows the displaying of quest area headers in the MonkeyQuest frame.
Note: see 'showhidden' and 'hidehidden' for additional rules.
/mquest hideborder
Hides the MonkeyQuest frame border.
/mquest showborder
Hides the MonkeyQuest frame border.
/mquest growup
Makes the main frame expand upwards.
/mquest growdown
Makes the main frame expand downwards.
/mquest shownumquests
Shows the number of quests you have out of 20 next to the title.
/mquest hidenumquests
Hide the number of quests you have out of 20.
/mquest lock
Locks the MonkeyQuest frame in place.
/mquest unlock
Un-Locks the MonkeyQuest frame.
/mquest colourtitleon
Uses the difficulty to colour the entier quest title.
/mquest colourtitleoff
Doesn't colour the entire quest title by difficulty.
/mquest hidecompletedquests
Hides completed quests.
/mquest showcompletedquests
Shows completed quests.
/mquest hidecompletedobjectives
Hides completed objectives.
/mquest showcompletedobjectives
Shows completed objectives.
/mquest fontheight=<8-48>
Sets the font height to the specified value, the default is 12.
/mquest showtooltipobjectives
Shows objectives inside tooltips.
/mquest hidetooltipobjectives
Hides objectives inside tooltips.
/mquest allowrightclick
Allows right-click to open MonkeyBuddy.
/mquest disallowrightclick
Disallows right-click from opening MonkeyBuddy.
/mquest hidetitlebuttons
Hides the title buttons.
/mquest showtitlebuttons
Shows the title buttons.
/mquest hidetitle
Hides the title 'MonkeyQuest' text.
/mquest showtitle
Shows the title 'MonkeyQuest' text.
Monkey quest commands list
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